Tuesday 13 March 2018

Kerala PSC History Question and Answers - 22

1. In which year Gandhiji announced his decision to resign from Congress?

2. The resolution passed by Indian National Congress in ____ at its Madras Session lay down that the declaration of Fundamental Rights should be the basis of future Constitution of India. 

3. The treaty of Aix-la-Chappele is associated with:

4. The Viceroy when the Second World War was started:

5. From where did Vinoba Bhave start Individual Satyagraha in 1940?

6. The Viceroy who faced the famine of 1943?

7. Which commission recommended for the adoption of a famine code for India?

8. Which is considered by academics abroad to be the Indian equivalent of Harvard?

9. The last words of Gandhiji:

10. Who founded Bethune College in Kolkata?

11. Name the Viceroy who had served as the supreme commander of the Allied Forces in South East Asia during the Second World War:

12. The mother of mahatma Gandhi:

13. The main base of the French East India Company on the coromandel coast?

14. Reolutionary youth Madanlal Dhingra assassinated :

15. The British Governor General who introduced postage stamp in India:

16. The seat of Gaekwad was:

17. The First Anglo-Burmese War was fought during the period:

18. Under whose Charimanship Indian Education Commission 1882 was appointed?

19. Which was the first Presidency of British East India Company in India?

20. Which war has been described as 'Dupleix's private war?

21. Who established the Bhil Seva Mandal in 1922?

22. Who founded Hindu College of Kolkata in 1817?

23. Who is associated with Self Respect Movement?

24. The first protestant Europeans to establish trade relations with India:

25. Domingo Paes was a visitor from:

26. The venue of Satyagraha by Gandhiji to protest against Jallianwallabagh massacre:

27. Ulgulan was a movement of the:

28. During Quit India movement, Tamralipta Jatiya Sarkar (Tamrlipta National Government)was formed in:

29. An Indian revolutionary who was a professor of Sanskrit in the Universities of Berkeley and Stanford died in Philadelphia:

30. In which city Tipu Sultan planted "Tree of Liberty"?

31. The biographical memoir of AO Hume was written by:

32. Who led the British forces in the Battle of Buxar(1764)?

33. The first and last Indian to become the Governor General of Independent India:

34. The first Indian to join the ICS:

35. The first occupant of 'Viceregal Palace':

36. Who was popularly known as 'National Mitra' since all the institutions founded by him began with the prefix 'National'?

37. The first woman Deputy President of a Legislature in the world:

38. The leader from Bombay presidency who represented the Indian National Congress at the London Conference (1919) on the Government of India Act?

39. Who was popularly known as the Firebrand of South India?

40. Who wrote the book "The Call to Young India"?

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