Tuesday 13 March 2018

Kerala PSC History Question and Answers - 23

1. The year of 'Black hole' episode of Calcutta:

2. What was the real name of Bahadur Shah I, who emerged victorious in the war of succession after Aurangazeb?

3. Which modern historian opined that "the so called First National War of Independence of 1857 is neither first, nor National, nor war of Independence."?

4. Who led the sikhs after the death of Guru Gobind Singh?

5. Who said 'Patriotism is religion and religion is love for India'?

6. Who took the leadership of Brahma Samaj after the death of Raja Ram Mohan Roy?

7. The last viceroy of British India:

8. The principles of the Muslim League were espoused in the 'Green Book', which included the organisation's constitution, written by:

9. A leading British Parliamentarian and politician admitted that the revolt of 1857 was a 'National Revolt' not a 'Military Mutiny'?

10. Indian Broadcasting Corporation was renamed in 1936 as:

11. Who was the Governor General when Punjab was annexed to British India in 1849?

12. The background of the Sanyasi Revolt was:

13. Name the British General who is credited with the victory of Porto Novo:

14. The newspaper 'Rast Goftar' propagated the message of an organisation stood for the reforms of:

15. Name the Viceroy who introduced Arms Acts in 1878?

16. The office of Peshwa became independent during the reign of:

17. The organiser of 'Dharma Sabha'?

18. The Treaty of Allahabad was signed in:

19. Which party observed the 'Black Day' on July 3, 1947 against Partition of India?

20. Which tribal leader was regarded as an incarnation of God and Father of the World?

21. The founder of Calcutta:

22. Who is quoted as having said: 'It is far better to live like a Tiger for a day than to live like a jackal for a hundred years'?

23. Who killed Farukh Siyar in 1719 with the help of Maratha troops?

24. Who was called 'Jat Ulysses' or 'Plato of Jat Tribe'?

25. Who was known as 'Lokhit wadi'?

26. Who was preferred by Pheroz Shah Mehta in his place when he resigned from Central Legislative Assembly in 1901?

27. Who was the Governor General when Sind was annexed to British India in 1843 by Charles Napier:

28. 'Christianity wins its prosperity by cutting throats of its fellow men'. Who said this?

29. All India Hindu Maha Sabha was setup in 1915 under the presidentship of:

30. The author of 'Economic History of India'

31. In 1905 Bhavani Mandir was published by:

32. Annie Besant set up Home Rule League in September 1916 with its seat at:

33. Rao Bharmal, who rose in revolt due to the interference of Birtish in the internal affairs of the state, was the ruler of:

34. Statistical Survey of India was established during the reign of:

35. The background of the Mahar movement was:

36. The first secretary of Punjab Naujawan Sabha was:

37. The Mughal emperor who earned the nick name 'Rangila' due to his addiction to wine and women:

38. The Second Anglo Mysore war was fought during the Governor Generalship of:

39 The Treaty of Mysore was signed between Tipu and British in: 

40. Who was the Viceroy when capital of British India was transferred from Kolkata to Delhi?

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