Tuesday 13 March 2018

Kerala PSC History Question and Answers - 21

1. Who was known as 'Indian Gladstone'?

2. The first political party of Muslims in the Indian History:

3. In January 1921, Who was appointed by the Governor of Bengal as minister of local self-government and health and thus he became the first Indian to hold that position

4. Name the social organisation founded by BR Ambedkar on 25 November 1926 with the objective of safeguarding the rights of all oppressed sections of Indian society:

5. Which city is known for the "Jhanda Satyagraha or Flag Satyagraha" and observance of the All India Flag Day on June 18, 1923?

6. Who conferred the title 'Bharati' to Subramanya Bharati'?

7. Who defended Bhagat Singh in the Lahore conspiracy case?

8. Who was arrested along with Lajpat Rai and deported to Mandalay in 1907?

9. 'Prabudha Bharat' was a paper published in English by:

10. The author of 'Broken Wings':

11. Brave heroine of Manipur during the civil disobedience movement:

12. In which year Numismatic Society of India was established at Allahabad?

13. Madras Mahajana Sabha was established in:

14. Who was the Governor General when Tipu Sultan was defeated and killed in the Fourth Mysore War?

15. Sir William Sleeman was associated with the operation against the:

16. The 'Voice of India' published extracts from Indian Press. It was started by:

17. The first Indian to be elected to the leadership of communist International was:

18. Alongwith whom Gandhiji led Khilafat movement?

19. The Governor General during the third Mysore War:

20. The Indian association was established in 1876 in:

21. Who wrote 'Why I am an Atheist'?

22. The Radical Democratic Party was formed in 1940 by:

23. The seat of Holkar was:

24. In which medicinal system Gandhiji believed?

25. The viceroy when the second World War was ended:

26. The first Indian Chief Justice of the Madras High Court

27. The first woman to speak from the platform of the Congress

28. The Indian to become the Vice Chancellor of Madras University:

29. The winner of Bharat RAtna who authored History of the Darmashastras:

30. Who authored India's Will to Freedom?

31. Who composed the famous revolutionary song 'Sarfaroshi ki tamana abb hamare dil main hai dekhna hai zor kitna bazu-e-katil main hai'?

32. Who founded the Ramkrishna Guild of Help in the USA?

33. The symbol of 1857 revolt:

34. Which organisation is led by "Ten Principles"?

35. The seat of Presidency was moved by the English East India Company from Surat to Bombay in the year:

36. 'Generations to come, it may scarce to believe that such a one as him ever walked on this earth in flesh and blood', who made this statment about Gandhi?

37. Who introduced Ryotwari system in Madras?

38. Who was the Governor General when Treaty of Amirtsar was signed between Renjith Singh and the East India Company?

39. The viceroy when the partition of Bengal was repealed in 1911:

40. Muhammadan Anglo Oriental College later became:

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