Saturday 10 March 2018

Kerala PSC History Question and Answers - 20

1. Who was the first Governor General of Bengal during the British era?

2. Who started 'Vanguard'?

3. Who wrote 'Essays on Gita' and 'Life Divine'?

4. Who wrote 'India Divided'?

5. The disciples who were with Gandhiji when he passed away:

6. The Federal Court of India was brought into existence in 1937 during the reign of:

7. The first Satyagraha conducted by Gandhiji in India:

8. Young India was started by:

9. The author of 'The War of Indian Independence:

10. The period mentioned in the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi is from childhood to:

11. As per Warren Hastings reforms, which court was set up as appeal court in criminal cases?

12. The author of 'How India Fought for freedom':

13. The author of 'Indian Philosophy':

14. The viceroy during the partition of Bengal:

15. Who wrote 'India Wins Freedom'?

16. Who wrote 'Indian Unrest'?

17. Who was the Governor General when Pitt's India Act was passed?

18. Who wrote 'A Planned Economy for India'?

19. Who wrote 'Anand Math'?

20. Who wrote 'Poverty and Un-British Rule in India?

21. The author of 'History of Arya Samaj':

22. The author of 'Sathyartha Prakash':

23. The author of 'Gitarahasya':

24. During the decline of Mughal Empire, the Jats were organised into a political force by:

25. Founder of Benarus Hindu University:

26. The author of '1857 The Great Rebellion':

27. The first Indian to preach the gospel of Swadeshi and India for Indians:

28. The founder of 'Mahila RAshtriya Sangh':

29. Who wrote the book 'Gandhi and Anarchy'?

30. The second colony of the English East India Company in Southern India:

31. The founder of 'Sathysodhak Samaj'?

32. In which year Gandhiji and General Smut engaged in an agreement in Pretoria"

33. The leader who escaped from the custody of the British and went to Germany secretly to meet Hitler:

34. Who wrote 'Waiting for the Mahatma'?

35. Who compared the Dandi March to Napoleon's March to Paris from Elba?

36. Who founded Dayanand Anglo vedic School?

37. Gandhiji addressed Rabindranath Tagore as:

38. Who were the first to start a joint stock company to trade with India?

39. Who wrote 'India in Transition'?

40. Who wrote 'Religion and Culture'?

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