Wednesday 7 March 2018

Kerala PSC History Question and Answers - 11

1. Name the secretary of state for India during India's independence.

2. Who considered the Revolt of 1857 as a discontent manifested through sepoys?

3. Name the founder of Veda Samaj.

4. Gangadhar Chattopadhyaya was the original name of:

5. Name the second headquarter of Ramakrishna Mission.

6. Who founded Devasamaj?

7. Who was the first principal of the Mohammedan Anglo Oriental College?

8. Who is considered as the father of Indian Revolutionary terrorism?

9. Name the liberator of Indian Press.

10. Name the author of the book, 'Towards Struggle'.

11. The education commission under Thomas Raleigh was appointed in: 

12. Who started police service in India?

13. The co-operative credit societies act was passed during the Viceroyalty of:

14. Who founded Indian Union?

15. Who suggested the name, 'Indian National Congress’?

16. The extremist phase of the INC was:

17. Who propagated the theory of safely valve in connection with the INC? 

18. Name the president of the Surat session of the INC in 1907.

19. The headquarter of the Ghadar Party.

20. The book Bhavani Mandir was published by:

21. Name the author of 'New Lamps for Old':

22. Who described the I.N.0 as 'Congress of flatters'?

23. The surat split of the I.N.0 was in:

24. Who published the Journal 'Indian Sociologist'?

25. The official secrets act was passed in:

26. Who called Gokhale as dimond of India?

27. Name the leader of the women section of the I.N.A:

28. The Swaraj Party was founded in:

29. Gandhiji started the Dandi march on:

30. Name the Rani of the Nagas:

31. The mediator of the Gandhi-Irvin pact:

32. The white paper was published in:

33. Who called the Cripps mission as 'dead as a doornail'?

34. The political Guru of Gandhiji:

35. Sarojini Naidu was born in:

36. Malabar rebellion was held in:

37. Who known as 'Andhra Kesari'? 

38. Who composed the song 'Amar Sonar Bengla'?

39. Khan Abdul Gaffer Khan got Bharat Ratna in:

40. The Grand old man of South India:

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