Wednesday 7 March 2018

Kerala PSC History Question and Answers - 12

1. The Shimla educational conference was held in:

2. Operaton Black Board was the recommendation of :

3. Name the author of the book, 'India Divided'?

4. The Simon Commission was appointed in: 

5. The chamber of princes was formed in:

6. Who founded the Forward Bloc?

7. AITUC was formed in:

8. The Champaran satyagraha was held against system of:

9. Name the local leader of the Kheda satyagraha:

10. Name the founder of the Progressive Writer's Association:

11. The Kanpur conspiracy trial was held in:

12. 'Kranti` was the journal of the:

13. INTUC was formed in:

14. FICCI was formed in:

15. Who appointed Sir Antony Mac Donell Famine commission?

16. The Calcutta Corporation Act was passed in:

17. Name the leader of the Indian Civil Service Agitation:

18. Name the founder of the National Indian Association:

19. The first General Secretary of the Indian National Congress:

20. N. Name the Viceroy of India during the formation of the I.N.C:

21. Whose period is known as the gold-en age of Mughal architecture'? 

22. Who was the last ruler of the Mughal Dynasty?

23. Which was the official and court language of the Mughals?

24. Where was Akbar born in 1540?

25. Who is popularly known as the Napolean of medieval India'?

26. Babur is considered a national hero in which country?

27. Akbar was 13 years old when he ascended the Mughal throne in:

28. Who was the mother of Akbar?

29. Akbar organised his army by means of a system called?

30. Who was the founder of Fatehpur Silai?

31. Name the author of the book '1857'?

32. Which was the head quarters of the Ramakrishna Mission?

33. The Servants of India Society was founded in:

34. Who is known as 'Lokhit wadi'?

35.' Name the first Vice Chancellor of the Ist women's university of India:

36. Name the founder of the Scheduled Caste federation:

37. The Official journal of the Young Bengal movement: 

38. The founder of the Deccan Eduction Society:

39. The Khudai Khid Matger Movement was founded in:

40. Who is called as the Dayananda of South Indian?

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