Monday 5 February 2018


                                   Solved Paper

Directions (1-15): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase

                                                         Asst - Police Special

Q1. To shoot the breeze
(a) To do random acts hoping one will be successful
(b) To have a casual conversation
(c) To release stomach gases
(d) To brag about some mild achievement
Sol.  ‘To shoot the breeze’ — To have a casual conversation.

Q2. Shooting fish in a barrel
(a) To do random acts of stupidity
(b) To behave in a cruel manner
(c) Ridiculously easy
(d) To escape through a narrow opening
Sol. ‘Shooting fish in a barrel’ — Ridiculously easy.

Q3. By the skin of one’s teeth
(a) To hurt someone
(b) Teeth show health of an animal or a person
(c) Dental hygiene is critical for good health
(d) A very narrow margin
Sol.‘By the skin of one’s teeth’ — A very narrow margin.

Q4. Scapegoat
(a) Animal sacrifice as an offering to God
(b) The most useful animal or person
(c) A lucky person who is forgiven for his crimes
(d) A person who is blamed for the mistakes of others
Sol.‘Scapegoat’ — A person who is blamed for the mistakes of others.

Q5. Wild goose chase
(a) A hopeless search for something unattainable
(b) An adventurous trip full of surprises
(c) To waste a lot of time and effort for small returns
(d) To have fun doing a certain task
Sol. ‘Wild goose chase’ — A hopeless search for something unattainable.

Q6. To put the cat among the pigeons
(a) To hunt easy prey
(b) To be different in a group where everybody is alike
(c) To do something that is likely to cause controversy
(d) When the entire group feels trapped in a bad situation
Sol.‘To put the cat among the pigeons’ — To do something that is likely to cause controversy.

*Q7. Practice makes a man perfect*
(a) Perfection demands patience
(b) Any problem can be solved if you are willing to try many times
(c) Regular activity is the way to become proficient in it
(d) It takes a long time to form a good habit

*Sol. ‘Practice makes a man perfect’ — Regular activity is the way to become proficient in it*👍👍👍🏆🏆🏆

Q8. Pull the plug
(a) Make a firm refusal
(b) Save a situation by acting in the nick of time
(c) To waste away somebody’s effort
(d) Prevent something from continuing
Sol. ‘Pull the plug’ — Prevent something from continuing.

Q9. Wag the dog
(a) To divert attention from something of greater importance to something of lesser importance
(b) To be nice to someone if you want that person’s loyalty
(c) To praise someone to get that persons love
(d) A small favour to a person who loves you matters a lot to that person
Sol.‘Wag the dog’ — To divert attention from something of greater importance to something of lesser importance.

Q10. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch
(a) Not to live in a fancy imaginary world, where everything happens as per your wish
(b) Counting your wealth repeatedly will not make it grow
(c) One should be optimistic but be ready for failures
(d) Not to be too sure that something good you hope for will really happen, it might not happen after all
Sol. ‘Don’t count your chickens before they hatch’ — Not to be too sure that something good you hope for will really happen, it might not happen after all.

Q11. Water under the bridge
(a) To create solutions to overcome any problem
(b) Past events are no longer important
(c) Young days can never be brought back again
(d) Time keeps flowing endlessly
Sol. ‘Water under the bridge’ — Past events are no longer important.

Q12. Saved by the bell
(a) When time is in your favour
(b) Saved at the last moment
(c) The bell rings at the most opportune time
(d) Prayers are answered when the church bell rings
Sol. ‘Saved by the bell’ — Saved at the last moment.

Q13. Flea market
(a) A market for semi-precious stones and jeweler
(b) A market where stolen goods are sold
(c) A street market selling second-hand goods
(d) A small but crowded and noisy place
Sol.‘Flea market’ — A street market selling second-hand goods.

Q14. Down to the wire
(a) Removing the bondage that is keeping on down
(b) The last second before the bomb explodes
(c) To denote a situation whose outcome is not decided until the very last minute
(d) Finishing all of one’s resources to the last penny
Sol. ‘Down to the wire’ — To denote a situation whose outcome is not decided until the very last minute.

Q15. An axe to grind
(a) Preparing for a fight
(b) To have a problem with something or someone
(c) Some important task to do
(d) One’s skill should always be practiced or their edge becomes blunt

*Asst - Police/BFO Special*

*Directions (1-15): In each of the questions, four alternatives are given for the Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Phrase and click the button corresponding to it*

Q1. Grow away from
(a) Mature or change into
(b) Become less friendly with
(c) Change over time to fit something
(d) Develop in a place or for a reason.


Q2. Hack around
(a) Annoy
(b) Work relentlessly
(c) Waste time
(d) Distribute

Q3. Keep from
(a) Control yourself
(b) Continue
(c) Surrender
(d) Fall to the ground

Q4. Lay into
(a) Organize
(b) Criticize angrily
(c) Be noticeable
(d) Spend a lot of money

Q5. Owe to
(a) Be the reason for something
(b) Break down
(c) Reduce
(d) To believe on something

Q6. Pass up
(a) Take a revenge on
(b) To die
(c) Decline a chance
(d) Eat unwillingly

Q7. Play down
(a) Behave badly
(b) Try to make something seem less important
(c) Play something to the end
(d) Be silly

Q8. Put across
(a) Communicate
(b) Postpone
(c) Save for the future
(d) Make a vehicle stop

Q9. Read upon
(a) To go away
(b) Research
(c) Retreat
(d) Win easily

Q10. Set on
(a) Attack
(b) Cause
(c) Arrange
(d) Start a journey

Q11. Step up
(a) Confront
(b) Avoid
(c) Increase
(d) Talk to

Q12. Wiggle out
(a) Focus more closely
(b) Dress warmly
(c) Avoid doing
(d) Exit rapidly

Q13. Yield to
(a) Surrender
(b) Move quickly
(c) Not to pay attention
(d) Assault

Q14. Snarl up
(a) Depart furtively
(b) Entangle
(c) Reduce speed
(d) Dispose

Q15. Let off
(a) Not punish
(b) Tell a secret
(c) Illuminate
(d) Go out

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