Tuesday 27 February 2018



1.What is the name of the woman Romeo is infatuated with before he meets Juliet?

Answer: Rosaline

When the play begins, Romeo is devastated by his unrequited love for Rosaline, who never appears onstage. Then Romeo meets Juliet and forgets all about Rosaline.

2.Which play is Shakespeare generally believed to have written simultaneously (or nearly simultaneously) with Romeo and Juliet?

Answer: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Both plays were written around 1595, and, despite the fact that A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a romantic comedy, scholars have noted similarities in the structure and themes of the two plays.

3.Fill in the blank: “These violent delights have violent ends / And in their triumph die, like _____________, / Which as they kiss consume.”

A.Fire and power
B.Salt and Pepper
C.Good and evil
D.Fire and Water

Answer: Fire and powder

Friar Laurence: “These violent delights have violent ends / And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, / Which as they kiss consume: the sweetest honey / Is loathsome in his own deliciousness / And in the taste confounds the appetite: / Therefore love moderately; long love doth so; / Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.” (Act II, Scene VI)

4.Which character gives a famous speech about a fairy named Queen Mab?

Answer: Mercutio

Queen Mab, Mercutio says, drives a tiny wagon over sleeping people, causing them to have dreams.

5.To which city does Romeo flee after he is banished for killing Tybalt?

Answer: Mantua

Friar Laurence and Juliet come up with a plan to stage Juliet’s death so that she can escape from marrying Paris and live with Romeo in Mantua.

6.Which of the following composers did not write music based on Romeo and Juliet?

Answer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Tchaikovsky wrote an orchestral overture, Prokofiev wrote a ballet, and Bernstein wrote West Side Story.

7.How old is Juliet when the action of the play takes place?

Answer: 13

The Nurse says in Act I, Scene III, that Juliet will turn 14 on Lammas-eve, which is July 31.

8.Why is Friar John unable to deliver a letter to Romeo informing him of Friar Laurence and Juliet’s plan to simulate Juliet’s death?

Answer: He is quarantined for the plague

By the time Friar John returns to tell Friar Laurence that he couldn’t deliver the letter, Romeo has already been told that Juliet is dead.

9.In which of the following works of literature is the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues briefly mentioned?

Answer: The Divine Comedy

The sixth canto of the Purgatorio mentions a conflict between the Montecchi, a Ghibelline family from Verona, and the Cappelletti, a Guelf family from Cremona.

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