Friday 9 February 2018


*Information Technology and Cyber Law 7*

Numerical unique value assigned to each device in a computer network
IP Address
Commonly using 32 bit number IP address is known as
System of 128 bit number IP address is known as
Example of Client Server computing
Email service
Information form server to client travels in the form of
Facility to use a remote computer in a network from a user's terminal
Remote login
Email was introduced by
Ray Tomlinson
First message that send through the email
Methode of sending recorded audio messages to recipient through email
Voice Mail
Computer program that used to access and manage a user's email
Email Client or Email reader
Examples of email client aplications
Outlook express, Mozilla Thunderbird
Email service provided by Google
Email service provided by Microsoft
Hotmail was invented by
Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith
Hotmail was renamed as
Unwanted or non requested emails received in a folder is known as
www stands for
World Wide Web
www was invented by
Tim Berners Lee
Head quarters of www
System of interlinked documents accessed through internet
World wide web
W3C stands for
World Wide Web Consortium
A link, which redirect user to related document on click is called
URL stands for
Uniform Resource Locator
Address used to identify the name of a web service
Pages consist of information on www is known as
Part of URL which indicates particular webpage is known as
Domain Name
Service which is used to translate domain name to IP address
DNS (Domain Name System)
Suffix .gov in URL indicating which domain
Government agencies
Suffix .edu in URL indicating which domain
Educational institutions
Suffix .org in URL indicating which domain
Suffix .mil in URL indicating which domain
Suffix .net in URL indicating which domain
Network Organizations
Suffix .com in URL indicating which domain
Commercial agencies
Files created in client machine when user browses a particular websites
Files send back to server to notify user's previous activities
http stands for
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Protocol that defines how messages are formatted and transmitted and actions the web server and browsers should take
URL in http protocols begins with
Secure form of http
https (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure)
Protocol used to protect highly confidential online transactions
URL in secure transactions begin with
Protocol used in network to copy large files from remote computer to requestor's computer
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Protocol that helps to send emails
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
Protocol that helps to receive emails
POP3 (Post Office Protocol)
Protocol used in wireless devices like mobiles to use internet
WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
Protocol for mapping the IP Address to a hardware address
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)

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