Tuesday 6 February 2018


PSC Model Test  English

  • How do you ............. your new neighbour?

     (A) get by
     (B) get around
     (C) get on with
     (D) get through

  • This beach is usually closed _____ a rainy day. 

     (A) in
     (B) while
     (C) on
     (D) at

  • One who compiles a dictionary is

     (A) choreographer
     (B) calligrapher
     (C) lexicographer
     (D) lithographer

  • He returned after -------- hour.

     (A) a
     (B) an
     (C) the
     (D) just

  • John is tall and Peter is short, but the...........is stronger

     (A) later
     (B) latter
     (C) letter
     (D) latest

  • One of the animals in the zoo........... dead

     (A) is
     (B) are
     (C) has
     (D) have

  • Someone stole my watch is the active form of 

     (A) Someone had been stolen my watch
     (B) My watch was stolen
     (C) My watch was stolen
     (D) My watch had been stolem

  • Find the correct meaning of the word “Pandemonium”

     (A) noisy disorder
     (B) great joy
     (C) big crowd
     (D) musical instrument

  • Write one word for the following group of words One who breaks established customs or beliefs

     (A) iconoclast
     (B) revolutionary
     (C) politician
     (D) rebellious

  • How.............of matches have we got?

     (A) many box
     (B) much boxea
     (C) much box
     (D) many boxes

  • When the boys reached the school the bell.....

     (A) rang
     (B) has rung
     (C) had rung
     (D) had been rung

  • Now it is very late. It is time we ..... the work.

     (A) have to finish
     (B) finished
     (C) finish
     (D) had finished

  • He has a great reputation ........... honesty.

     (A) in
     (B) for
     (C) about
     (D) of

  • ..... they heard the bell the girls went to their classes.

     (A) while
     (B) since
     (C) as soon as
     (D) none of the above

  • The opposite of 'wander'

     (A) run
     (B) walk
     (C) settle
     (D) roam

  • We have been waiting for the bus - 11 a.m

     (A) for
     (B) during
     (C) at
     (D) since

  • The quality of these mangoes ------- not good.

     (A) are
     (B) is
     (C) am
     (D) were

  • The elections are fast approaching and it is time we set the ball

     (A) to roll
     (B) moving
     (C) rolling
     (D) playing

  • –––––– is my favourite sport.

     (A) Golf
     (B) The Golf
     (C) A Golf
     (D) An Golf

  • Being a goal down, the Indian Team started an all......... attack

     (A) through
     (B) in
     (C) out
     (D) tell
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