Monday 5 February 2018


  Solved Paper

1:-The Muslim cultural organization called Muhammadiya Sabha was founded by 

A:-Makhti Tangal B:-E. Moidu Moulavi C:-Vakkom Abdul Khader Moulavi D:-Hamadani Tangal

Ans:- Option-A

2:-India established full diplomatic relation with Israel in the year 

A:-2016 B:-1998 C:-1988 D:-1992 

Ans:- Option-D

3:-Jana Padasala was founded by A:-Sree Narayana Guru B:-Vaikunda Swamikal C:-Swami Vaghbhadananda D:-Chttampi Swamikal 

Ans:- Option-C

4:-Who was the first editor of the Malayalam news paper Keralamithram ? 

A:-C. V. Kunhirama Menon B:-Kandathil Varghese Mappila C:-K. C. Maman Mappila D:-Devji Bhimji

Ans:- Option-B

5:-In which year Ayyankali founded the first school for the lower castes in Venganoor ? 

A:-1909 B:-1927 C:-1917 D:-1907 

Ans:-  Option-D

6:-In the beginning, the Malayalam news paper Kerala Kaumdi started it publication from 

A:-Alapuzha B:-Kollam C:-Mayyanad D:-Thiruvananthapuram 

Ans:- Option-C

7:-The Wild Life Photographer who spotted a rare white tiger for the first time in the Nilgiris biosphere reserve inTamil Nadu is 

A:-Nilanjan Ray B:-Steve Bloom C:-Rohit Varma D:-Moose Peterson 

Ans:- Option-A

8:-The Pak test fired short range Surface to Surface ballistic Missile is 

A:-Babur-3 B:-Nasr C:-Barq D:-Zarb 

Ans:- Option-B

9:-The Chairman of the GST Council is 

A:-President of India B:-Prime Minister of India C:-Union Finance Secretary D:-Union Finance Minister 

Ans:- Option-D

10:-The book, Monuments Matter : India's Archaeological Heritage Since Independence is authored by 

A:-Nayanjot Lahiri B:-B. B. Lal C:-John Marshall D:-Mortimer Wheeler 

Ans:- Option-A

11:-What type of government is established in India by the Constitution of India ? 

A:-Presidential Government B:-Parliamentary Government C:-Quasi Presidential D:-Quasi Parliamentary 

Ans:- Option-B

12:-When was the Constitution of India adopted by the Constituent Assembly ? 

A:-`26^(th)` November 1946 B:-`26^(th)`January 1949 C:-`26^(th)` November 1949 D:-`26^(th)` January 1950

Ans:- Option-C

13:-Article 21A of the Indian Constitution specifies about 

A:-Right to Education B:-Right to Property C:-Right to Equality D:-Right against Exploitation

Ans:- Option-A

14:-Name the commission constituted to study and report on the working of centre-state relations in India. 

A:-Kothari Commission B:-Mandal Commission C:-Liberhan Commission D:-Sarkaria Commission

Answer:- D

15:-How many amendments are there in the Constitution of India at present ?

 A:-86 B:-91 C:-93 D:-101 

Ans:- Option-D

16:-What is the percentage of seats reserved for women in the Women's Reservation Bill passed by the RajyaSabha on `9^(th)` March 2010 ? 

A:-25% B:-33% C:-45% D:-50% 

Ans:- Option-B

17:-Which year was the "Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act" enacted ? 

A:-2002 B:-2006 C:-2012 D:-2015 

Ans:- Option-C

18:-What is the maximum period within which information under RTI Act 2005 should be received ?

A:-15 days B:-30 days C:-45 days D:-60 days 

Ans:- Option-B

19:-How many Sections does the Environment Protection Act 1986 contain ? 

A:-25 Sections B:-26 Sections C:-30 Sections D:-32 Sections 

Ans:- Option-B

20:-Which is the Supreme Court case which held that "right to pollution free air" is also to be included within thescope of "right to life" ? 

A:-Kesavananda Bharati vs State of Kerala, 1973 B:-Olga Tellis vs Bombay Municipal Corporation, 1985 C:-S. R. Bommai vs Union of India, 1994 D:-M. C. Mehta vs Union of India, 2004 

Ans:- Option-D

21:-SATH (Sustainable Action for Transforming Human Capital) is a recently launched programme in India. Which ofthe following organization launched this programme ? 


Ans:- Option-C

22:-The Article of Indian Constitution which protects the interests of Minorities ? 

A:-Article 32 B:-Article 29 C:-Article 25 D:-Article 34 

Ans:- Option-B

23:-Identify the person• He is an Israeli writer• He won the 2017 Man Booker International Prize• A Horse walks in to a Bar is one of his novels.

A:-David Grossman B:-Paul Beatty C:-Marlon James D:-Richard Flanagan

 Ans:- Option-A

24:-The founder of Cheramar Mahajana Sabha 

A:-Pampady John Joseph B:-Kumara Guru C:-Velukutty Arayan D:-M.C. Joseph

 Ans:- Option-A

25:-Pick out the correct match. 

A:-Kaziranga - Gujarat B:-Mahananda - Assam C:-Narayan Sarovar - Bihar D:-Jawahar Sagar - Rajasthan

 Ans:- Option-D

26:-The women leader who led the Civil Disobedience Movement in Calicut holding her two month old baby in herarms

 A:-Lalitha Prabhu B:-Akkamma Cheriyan C:-A. V. Kuttimalu Amma D:-Arya Pallam 

Ans:- Option-C

27:-Right to Information Act came in to effect in India on 

A:-12-10-2005 B:-16-10-2005 C:-10-10-2005 D:-11-10-2005 

Ans:- Option-A

28:-IDCF is a programme launched by the Central Govt. to reduce child death due to

 A:-CholeraB:-Diarrhea C:-Diphtheria D:-Rubella 

Ans:- Option-B

29:-Identify the theme of World Ocean Day 2017 

A:-Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet B:-Our Ocean, Our Future C:-Our Ocean, Our Planet D:-Keep Our Ocean Clean 

Ans:- Option-B

30:-The First Chief Election Commissioner of India

 A:-Kalyan Sundaram B:-Nagendra Singh C:-Sukumar Sen D:-M.S. Gill 

Ans:- Option-C

31:-Identify the person• Born in Kainakari, Kuttanad• Founder of Nasrani Deepika• He founded the Congregation of the Mother of Carmel.

A:-Palakunnath Abraham Malpan B:-Moorkoth Kumaran C:-Pampadi John Joseph D:-Blessed Elias Kuriakose Chavara

Ans:- Option-D

32:-The Indian personality who has been awarded with the WHO special recognition award for global tobaccocontrol 

A:-J.P. Nadda B:-Kamal Hassan C:-Amitabh Bachhan D:-Anil Ambani 

Ans:- Option-A

33:-The maximum gap between two sessions of Parliament in India 

A:-3 months B:-5 months C:-4 months D:-6 months 

Ans:- Option-D

34:-The Constitutional Amendment which made Goa a full fledged State with a State Assembly 

A:-`12^(th)` Amendment B:-`56^(th)` Amendment C:-`42^(nd)` Amendment D:-`49^(th)` Amendment Correct 

Ans:- Option-B

35:-Identify the person who established the first English language newspaper in South India (The Madras Standard) 

A:-Dr. Palpu B:-Pandit K.P. Karuppan C:-Barirster G.P. Pillai D:-K.P. Vellon

 Ans:- Option-C

36:-One of the following countries became the `29^(th)` member of NATO on `5^(th)` June 2017. Identify the newmember. 

A:-Brazil B:-Albania C:-Montenegro D:-Denmark

 Ans:- Option-C

37:-In which day the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is observed ? 

A:-June 15 B:-June 12C:-May 15 D:-May 12 

Ans:- Option-A

38:-Pick out the organization which won the Asia Pacific Quality Network Award 2017 


Ans:- Option-D

39:-P.N. Bhagawati is associated with which of the following field ? 

A:-Sports B:-Politics C:-Health D:-Judiciary

 Ans:- Option-D

40:-Pick out the autobiography of V.T. Bhattathirippad 

A:-Kozhinja Elakal B:-Kannerum Kinavum C:-Arangukanatha Nadan D:-Manasasmarami

 Ans:- Option-B

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