Monday 5 February 2018


                                           Solved Paper

1. All is well that ______ well.
          a) ended       b) ends
          c) can end     d) ending
Ans: ends

2. A bird in the hand is worth _____ in the bush.
          a) Three     b) five
          c) Two        d) six
Ans: Two

3. A baker's dozen means _____. 
          a) Twelve             b) six
          c) Five                  d) thirteen
Ans: thirteen

4.  It's no use crying _____. 
          a) Over dead child         b) over spilt milk
          c) Over yesterdays        d) over flowed water
Ans: over spilt milk

5. Mice will play _____.
          a) When the cat is near         b) When the cat is away
          c) When the rat away            d) when the night comes
Ans: When the cat is away

6. Still water _____ deep.
          a) Flows                         b) runs
          c) Moves             d) drains
Ans: runs

7. A stitch in time _____. 
          a) Saves nine                 b) kills nine
          c) Avoids nine               d) attracts nine
Ans: Saves nine       

8. Uneasy lies the head _____. 
          a) That thinks a lot                          b) that wears the crown
          c) That rules the Kingdom              d) that hates others
Ans: that wears the crown

9. Silence is Gold ______.
          a) Copper is speech                b) Gold is speech
          c) Speech is silver            d) speech is divine
Ans: Speech is silver

10. Beauty lies _____. 
     a) In the mind minds of the beholder       b) In the attitude of the beholder
     c) in the imagination of the beholder       d) in the eyes of a beholder
Ans: in the eyes of a beholder

Find the one word substitute:

11. Words inscribed on the graves:
          a) Epigram          b) Epitome
          c) Epitaph           d) Eponym
Ans: Epitaph

12. One who draws comic pictures:
          a) Cartoonist                 b) Caricaturist    
          c) Engraver                   d) Tattooist
Ans: Caricaturist  

13. People of the same age:   
          a) Colleagues                 b) contemporaries
          c) Compatriots             d) coevals
Ans: coevals

14. One who lends money at a very high interest:
          a) Pedurer           b) usurer
          c) banker             d) loaner
Ans: usurer

15. A forsaken, homeless child:  
          a) Orphan            b) Truant
          c) Waif                 d) destitute
Ans: Waif

16. An animal with four legs:
          a) quadruped                b) Biped
          c) Millipede           d) centipede
Ans: quadruped

17. Fit to drink:
          a) Drinkable                  b) potable
          c) Succulent                  d) palatable
Ans: potable

18. Belief that God provides nature:
          a) Monism           b) theism
          c) Pantheism       d) nihilism
Ans: Pantheism

19. One who is bad at spelling:
          a) Calligraphist             b) cacographist
          c) Holographer             d) cartographer
Ans: cacographist

20. Murder of wife:
          a) Sororicide        b) regicide
          c) Assassin           d) Uxoricide
Ans: Uxoricide 

Choose the word similar in meaning to the keyword:

21. Accord:
          a) Agreement      b) plentiful
          c) Relieve             d) swiftness
Ans: Agreement

22. Abjure:
          a) Pacify               b) agitate
          c) Renounce        d) enlarge
Ans: Renounce

23. Chastise:
          a) Moralize          b) punish
          c) Encourage       d) comfort
Ans: punish

24. Climactic:
          a) Of climate       b) of climax
         c) Delicate           d) critical
Ans: of climax

25. Commotion:
          a) Tumult            b) confusion
          c) Smartness       d) anxiety
Ans: Tumult

26. Decipher:
         a) Criticize           b) Discourage
                   c) Interpret         d) Cheat
Ans: Interpret

27. Fleeting:
          a) Transient                  b) Irritating
          c) Transparent              d) Violent
Ans: Transient

28. Elevate:
          a) Rise                  b) Dignify
          c) Weaken           d) disprove
Ans: Dignify

29. Fabulous:
          a) Amazing          b) terrible
          c) Plain                d) brilliant
Ans: Amazing

30. Infringe:
          a) Inspire             b) insult
          c) Recognize        d) violate
Ans: violate 

Choose the word opposite in meaning to the Key word:

31. Lavish:
          a) Frugal              b) Abundant
          c) Denounce        d) describe
Ans: Frugal

32. Laconic:
          a) Unhealthy       b) profuse
          c) Lazy                 d) intimidating
Ans: profuse

33. Listless:
          a) Confusing        b) hesitant
          c) Brisk                          d) revolutionary
Ans: Brisk   

34. Ostentation:
          a) display             b) triumph
          c) Modesty          d) obscurity
Ans: Modesty

35. Oracular:
          a) Vague              b) devious
          c) Lucid               d) leisurely
Ans: Lucid

36. Ratify
          a) Confirm           b) refer
          c) exaggerate       d) deny
Ans: deny

37. Ravage:
          a) Destroy            b) relax
          c) Restore            d) inspect
Ans: Restore

38. Wayward:
          a) Stable              b) volatile
          c) Insincere         d) deceptive
Ans: Stable  

39. Wield:
          a) Use                  b) misuse
          c) Abstain                     d) increase
Ans: misuse

40. Uncouth:
          a) Awkward         b) graceful
          c) Irrelevant        d) awful
Ans: graceful 

Choose the correct equivalent of the foreign expressions:

41. Bete noire:
            a) In a group                        b) an object of dislike
           c) In the same chapter         d) a prisoner
Ans: an object of dislike

42. Coiffure:
a) In good faith                       b) with love
c) Style of hair dressing         d) on the contrary
Ans: Style of hair dressing      

43. Ala mode:
a) In vogue (fashion)              b) middle class
c) Elite class                           d) downtrodden
Ans: In vogue (fashion)

44. Zeitgeist:
a) Morality                    b) spirit of the age
c) A passing remark     d) in future
Ans: spirit of the age

45. Pari pasu:
a) Way of living             b) in due course
c) At an equal rate        d) with reference to
Ans: At an equal rate

46. Volte face:
a) Total change of mind         b) in the long past
c) Once more                         d) inconclusive
Ans: Total change of mind   

47. Pro rata:
a) In proportion           b) on the contrary
c) Inequality                  d) defamatory
Ans: In proportion

48. Ab initio:
a) In between                         b) as a whole
c) From the very beginning   d) against the law
Ans: From the very beginning      

49. Id est. (i.e.):
a) for example     b) that is to say
c) Namely            d) compared to
Ans: that is to say

50. Circa:
a) about               b) approximately
c) Average           d) partially
Ans: about

Find the appropriate meaning of the idiomatic expressions:

51. Call it a day:
a) Remember an incident                b) Try to forget the day
c) Bring something to an end         d) Wait for the day eagerly
Ans: Bring something to an end

52. Under the counter:
a) Illegally b) safely
c) Legally   d) under the same roof
Ans: Illegally

53. Donkey's years:
a) Poverty stricken life           b) Hard life
c) Avery long time        d) meaningless work
Ans: Avery long time

54. Dressed to kill:
a) Determined to destroy      b) Deceptive behavior
c) Very attractively dressed   d) in shabby dress
Ans: Very attractively dressed

55. Double Dutch:
a) Nonsense        b) Very difficult tackle
c) Pleasing talks d) courage
Ans: Nonsense

56. In the family way:
a) Well mannered         b) obedient
c) Aware of the future d) pregnant
Ans: pregnant

57. Give a piece of mind:
a) Be angry with a person      b) Love a person
c) Trust a person                             d) be confused
Ans: Be angry with a person

58. Enter the lists:
a) Challenge a great man       b) save the poor
c) Face hardships                   d) join a contest or argument
Ans: Challenge a great man

59. Wet behind the ears:
a) Hardworking                    b) dumb
c) Young and inexperience    d) irritating behavior
Ans: Young and inexperience

60. Wool-gathering
a) Day dreaming           b)) take a challenge
c) Work untiringly       d) endanger one's Fife
Ans: Day dreaming

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