Monday 27 March 2017


1. Ramu asked the stranger, 'where did you go?' The sentence can be reported as Ramu asked the stranger (where he has gone, where he had gone, where he went) ?

2. If you study well, you ___ (Succeed, will succeed, will have succeed) ?

3. Manu had been living here __ five years (since, for,before) ?

4. One word for a collection of ships (pack, fleet, group) ?

5. "In black and white" means (in reading, in writing, in my opinion)?

6. All his money _______ spend on the house (have, was, were) ?

7. It is obvious from the leader's mumbling that he does not have a flair ___ public speaking (for, on, to) ?

8. If I had time, I ______ the exhibition (should visit, should visited, should have visit) ?

9. Raju is very clever ____ Physics and Mathematics (at, by, on) ?

10. Which is spelt correctly (accomodation, accommodation, accommadation) ?

11. If you had been more polite, ________ (he will agree, he would agreed, he would have agreed) ?

12. I got _____ opportunity to go to London (a, an, the) ?

13. Have you made any preparations ______ your exam (to, for, in)?

14. Rama speaks English in fluently, ______ (do he, does he, doesn't he) ?

15. My hen ______ five eggs each week (lay, lie, lays) ?

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