Monday 27 March 2017


1. The girl apologized _____ her mother (at, to, for ?

2. Elephant is the __ animal on land (big, biggger, biggest) ?

3. It was really ____ awful noise (a, an, the)?

4. Success and ___ are two sides of a coin (grace, failure, fragrance) ?

5. It is ____ hot ____ go out (,, so...that) ?

6. Show us the way and we will ____ (proceed, proceeds, process) ?

7. Strike while the _____ is hot (gold, silver, iron) ?

8. He easily loses his temper (doesn't he, does he, don't he) ?

9. "Throw cold water on" means (to discourage, to forgive, to encourage)?

10. The Correct spelt word- Envronment, Environmant, Environment ?

11. She cut his finger _____ a knife (from, with, by) ?

12. Raju usually _____ newspaper in the morning (read, reads, has read) ?

13. This is __ boy that once brought __ dog to class (the...the, the...a, a...the ) ?

14. Vijay speaks English in fluently, ___ (do he, does he, doesn't he)?

15. One of the men __ attended the meeting (is, has, have) ?

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