Monday 27 March 2017


Maths Trick with Examples

If M1 person complete a work in D1 days, M2 persons complete it in D2 days.
M1D1 = M2D2

If time also given, then (like 6 hours)
M1D1T1 = M2D2T2

If amount of work done is also given, then
M1D1T1W2 = M2D2T2W1

Example :

18 persons working for 8 days at 5 hours per days can cut 24 trees then 10 persons working 4 hours per day will cut how many trees in 9 days ?

Solution :

If x men (or) y women can do a job in z days, then v men & w women together will do it in

Example :

3 men or 4 women can reap a field in 43 days. Then in how many days will 7 men and 5 women working together reap it.

Solution :

No. of days = 43
Ist Value assoicated with And - 7
Ist Value assoicated with OR - 3
2nd value assoicated with And - 5
2nd Value assoicated with OR - 4


1. This is the man who _____ the painting (steal, stole, stealing) ?

2. Tanisha decided to ______ the post in the face of protests against her nomination (turn down, turn out, turn up)?

3. Mother Teresa devoted her life to ______ the poor (help, helps, helping) ?

4. The universe __ continuously ever since the beginning of time and the galaxies ____ away from one another at great speed (have been expanding---- has been moving, has been expanding------ has been moving, had been expanding ---- has been moving ) ?

5. _______novel that you gave me is very interesting (a, an, the) ?

6. Correct the Statement :- Each of the boys were given a pen (Each of the boys is given a pen, Each of the boys was given a pen, Each of the boys has given a pen) ?

7. The Prime minister leaves ______ America tomorrow (for, on, to) ?

8. Some accidents ______ by rash driving (caused, are caused, has caused ) ?

9. The meaning of "folly" is (mistake, arrogant, affect) ?

10. Necessity is the mother of _____ (invitation, invention, inventions) ?

11. There are too many boys _____ the bus (in, on, at) ?

12. Change the voice:- Did the blast terrify the children (Were is the children terrified by the blast, Were was the children terrified by the blast, Were the children terrified by the blast) ?

13. It has been raining _____ an hour (when, since, for)?

14. I am junior ____ him (for, to, with) ?

15. Don't bother _____ making coffee (on, for, about) ?


Supply a verb in agreement with its subject:

1. Seventy thousand reupees _____ a large sum to earn (is/are)

2. Neither you nor I ____ here (are/am)

3. Neither he nor they ____ mistaken (is/are)

4. The horese and carriage ____ ready. (are/is)

5. The news from the war front ____ not good. (are/is)

6. The father with this sons ___ present there (are/was)

7. Not only you but I _____ to blame. (was/am)

8. The crew _____ arrested. (was/were)

9. "The Arabian Nights" ____ interesting stories (contains/contain)

10. The whole class ____ absent. (are/is)

11. A large number ____ expected at the meting (are/is)

12. You too ____ mistaken. (is/are)

13. Each of them ____ honest(are/is)

14. Two and two ____ four (makes/make)

15. The bat, like other birds ____ wings (have/has)


1. Ramu asked the stranger, 'where did you go?' The sentence can be reported as Ramu asked the stranger (where he has gone, where he had gone, where he went) ?

2. If you study well, you ___ (Succeed, will succeed, will have succeed) ?

3. Manu had been living here __ five years (since, for,before) ?

4. One word for a collection of ships (pack, fleet, group) ?

5. "In black and white" means (in reading, in writing, in my opinion)?

6. All his money _______ spend on the house (have, was, were) ?

7. It is obvious from the leader's mumbling that he does not have a flair ___ public speaking (for, on, to) ?

8. If I had time, I ______ the exhibition (should visit, should visited, should have visit) ?

9. Raju is very clever ____ Physics and Mathematics (at, by, on) ?

10. Which is spelt correctly (accomodation, accommodation, accommadation) ?

11. If you had been more polite, ________ (he will agree, he would agreed, he would have agreed) ?

12. I got _____ opportunity to go to London (a, an, the) ?

13. Have you made any preparations ______ your exam (to, for, in)?

14. Rama speaks English in fluently, ______ (do he, does he, doesn't he) ?

15. My hen ______ five eggs each week (lay, lie, lays) ?


1. The girl apologized _____ her mother (at, to, for ?

2. Elephant is the __ animal on land (big, biggger, biggest) ?

3. It was really ____ awful noise (a, an, the)?

4. Success and ___ are two sides of a coin (grace, failure, fragrance) ?

5. It is ____ hot ____ go out (,, so...that) ?

6. Show us the way and we will ____ (proceed, proceeds, process) ?

7. Strike while the _____ is hot (gold, silver, iron) ?

8. He easily loses his temper (doesn't he, does he, don't he) ?

9. "Throw cold water on" means (to discourage, to forgive, to encourage)?

10. The Correct spelt word- Envronment, Environmant, Environment ?

11. She cut his finger _____ a knife (from, with, by) ?

12. Raju usually _____ newspaper in the morning (read, reads, has read) ?

13. This is __ boy that once brought __ dog to class (the...the, the...a, a...the ) ?

14. Vijay speaks English in fluently, ___ (do he, does he, doesn't he)?

15. One of the men __ attended the meeting (is, has, have) ?


Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was the Ironman of India.
Islam Karimov was the first present of Uzbekistan.
‘ Saint of the gutters ‘ is the name of Mother Theresa.
Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma is famous for playing SantoorMusic Instrument.
Leander Paes is a famous Tennis Player.
Rabindra Nath Tagore is a well-known collector of artefacts and curious.
Vallabhbhai Patel is known as Indian Bismarck.
A.R Rahman is called “The Mozart of Madras”.
G.R Vishwanath is famous for the Late cut shot.
First Indian to make a movie is Dhundiraj Govind Phalke.
Mavlankar is known as the ‘Father of Lok Sabha.’
Father of Geometry is Euclid.
The Indian to beat the computers in mathematical wizardry is Shakuntala Devi.
The other name of Erwin Rommel is ‘Desert Fox.’
The first women External Affair Minister of India was Indira Gandhi.
Mr.Meera Sahib Fathima Beeviis the first lady Judge of the Supreme Court.
Milkha Singh is called the Flying Sikh of India.
Vikram Seth is a famous writer.
Sarojini Naidu is the Nightingale of India.
The Other name of Napolean Bonaparte is ‘Little Corporal’.
The first English newspaper in India started by J.A. Hickey.
Amjad Ali Khan is famous for the musical instrument called Sarod.
Dr Joon Lew of Korea, the recipient of international Gandhi Award, for his service in the eradication of Leprosy.
Drew Houston is the founder of DropBox.
Uday Sankar is a famous Dancer.
Dr M.S.Subbalakshmi has distinguished herself in the field of Vocal Music.
Prof. Amartya Sen has earned the worldwide distinction in Economics.
Dadabhai Naoroji was affectionately Known as the ” Grand Old Man Of India.”
Arati Saha was the first Indian woman to swim across the English Channel.
The first woman Chief Justice of a High Court is Leila Seth.
Rajyavardhan singh Rathore is famous for Shooting.
Pran Kumar Sharma is famous for the creative field of Cartoonist.
A. Nageshwara Rao is famous in the field of Motion pictures.
Jamini Roy was a famous Painter.
Pierre Cardin is a famous Fashion Designer.
Dr M. S. Swaminathan has distinguished himself in the field of Agriculture.
The Common Point of Kutty, Shankar, Laxman and Sudhir Dar is Drawing Cartoons.
Prakash Padukone is a famous Badminton player.
Vishwanathan Anand is a Chess player.
The Worlds longest living man “Sakari Momoi” belong to Japan.
Shahrukh Khan is the first Indian to be the brand ambassador of Turn Back Crime Campaign of Interpol.
Junko Tabei was the first woman to climb Mount Everest.
The first Air Chief to receive the honour of “Marshal” is Arjan Singh.
Srinivas Ramanujan was the first Indian to be a Fellow of the Royal Society of London.
Charles Correa belongs to the field of Architecture.
The aim of Jawaharlal Nehru was to wipe ‘every tear from every eye.’
Shirimavo Bandaranaike was the First Woman Prime minister in the World.
Swami Agnivesh is a social activist campaigning against child labour.
Dr Amiya Chakravarthy is known for his literary Secretary to R. N. Tagore.
Ms Bachendri Pal had undertaken a unique expedition for focusing attention on Spirit of Adventure.
Sonia Gandhi received her Citizenship of India in the year 1984.
Indian Cotton Merchant, Banker, Congressman, a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi is G.D. Birla.
The first Women in Space was Valentina Tereshkova.
C. Rangarajan headed the committee on ‘computerisation’ in Indian Banks(1988).
Sanjay Dutt, a noted film actor held under TADA.
Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalamadvocated the adoption of ‘ PURA’ model to eradicate rural poverty.
Shovna Narayan is a famous personality in Classical Dance.
Jyothi Basu was the largest serving Chief Minister in India.
Srinivas Ramanujan, first Indian to be a Fellow of the Royal Society of London.
Dr APJ Abdul Kalam the 11thPresident of India.
Field Marshal K.M Cariappa is the First Indian Commander-in-chief of the Indian Army.


Seema Biswas played a lead character in the film ‘The Bandit Queen’.
Original name of “Mark Twain” is Wellington.
Wings of Fire book was written by A.P.J Abdul Kalam.
Vishnu Sharma wrote Panchatantra.
The line ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’ written by John Keats.
The original name of Bharathidasan is Kanaka Subburatnam.
Abu Nuwas is the author of the book ‘Forbidden Verses’.
Author of “The God Father” book is Mario Puzo.
Cervantes created the character “Sancho Pancha”.
Rakta Karabi book is written by R.N. Tagore.
‘Man is a political animal’ is a statement by Aristotle.
The famous book – ‘We the people’ is written by Nani Palkhivala.
Wellington is the Original name of “Mark Twain”.
Author of the Hindu View of Life is S.Radhakrishna
The author of the book ‘Imagined Communities’ is Benedict Anderson.
The Underground Railroad book was written by Colson Whitehead has got Pulitzer Prize.
The author of the book ‘flood of Fire’ is Amitav Ghosh.
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes written by Arther Canon Doel.
Author/writer of ‘Thithurta Hua Ganatantra’ is Harishankar Parsai.
The Book “The Narrow Road to the Deep North” written by Richard Flanagan has won Man Booker Prize.
The Author of the book ‘To Live or Not Live’ is Nirad C.Chaudhuri.
B. K.A. Abbas is a famous literary writer in English.
In India, the first television programme was broadcasted in the year 1959.
Chaucer is the father of English Poetry.
William Wordsworth wrote the poem Child is the father of Man.
The name of the memoir of Malala Yousafzai, I Am Malalapublished recently in several Indian Languages.