Tuesday 6 March 2018

Kerala PSC History Question and Answers - 8

1. Whose death anniversary is remembered as 'Shahid Diwas:

2. The Chittagong Armoury raid was in:

3. Name the author of the book, 'The Unity of India':

4. Subhash Chandra Bose was born in:

5. The viceroy of India during the formation of the Muslim League.

6. Who prepared the Pakistan Resolution of the Muslim League? 

7. Royal Indian Navy Mutiny was held in:

8. Who announced the August offer of 1940?

9.The revolutionary who died after 64 days of fast in the jail:

10.The first textile mill in India was set up in:

11. As a prelude to the first session of the Indian National Congress, in which years were the two sessions of the Indian National Conference held?

12. Who organised Ganapati & Shivaji festivals?

13. In which year was the first session of the Indian National Congress organised?

14. Name the retired English civil servant who is known as the founder of Indian National Congress?

15. Who was the first President of the Indian National Congress?

16. How many delegates attended the first session of the Congress?

17. Who was the first woman to address a Congress session in 1890?

18. Who is associated with the 'Safety Valve' theory of the Congress?

19. Who was the British Viceroy at the time of the formation of Indian National Congress?

20. Which is known as the period of moderates in the Congress?

21. The muslim league observed 'Direct Action Day' on:

22. Who coined the word 'Pakistan'?

23. Madras Mahajan Sabha was setup in:

24. Name the leader of the Munda rebellion:

25. Who published the paper, 'New India'?

26. Name the General Secretary of the Home Rule League founded by Annie Besant:

27. The Lucknow pact was in:

28. Who was the first president of the All India Trade Union Congress?

29. The first factory Act was passed in:

30. Name the first president of the All India Kisan Sabha:

31. The Congress Resolution on 'National Economic Programme' was passed in:

32. Who published the pamphlet 'Hind Swaraj?

33. The Champaran Satyagraha was held in:

34. Name the chairman of the committee which prepared the Nehru Report:

35. M.A Jinnah declared his fourteen points in:

36.Name of the nightingale of India:

37. Who was the Prime Minister of Britain during the first and second Round Table conferences?

38. The Individual Satyagraha was ended in:

39. Who set up an association called 'Mitra Mela'?

40. Who founded the Ghadar Party?

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