Monday 5 March 2018

Kerala PSC History Question and Answers - 4

1. Who said that 'to be a revolutionary, one required immense moral strength, but one also required criticism and independent thinking'?

2. In which year was the Hindu Mahasabha set up?

3. The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) was established in the year?

4. What was main topic of the Nehru Report of 1928?

5. Who proposed 14 points demanding seperate electorates and reservation for Muslims in Govt. service ?

6. Which Session of the Muslim League passed the Pakistan Resolution?

7. In which year was the Simon Commission appointed?

8. What was the total number of members in the Simon Commission?

9. Who was the President of the 1927 Madras session of the Congress, which decided to boycott the Simon Commission?

10. In which year Simon Commission arrived in India?

11. Which national leader died as a result of lathicharge while leading anti -Simon protest in Lahore?

12. What was the major recommendation of the Nehru Report?

13. Which organisation put forward the 'Delhi Proposals' in March 1927?

14. In which year was the 'Delhi Manifesto' issued by the national leaders?

15. What was described by Gandhiji as 'the most inhuman poll tax the ingenuity of man can devise'?

16. On which day was the historical Dandi March started?

17. On which day Gandhiji broke the salt law at Dandi?

18. Name the female leader of the Civil Disobedience Movement in Nagaland ?

19. Which artist was the first to receive a scholarship offered by the Indian Society of Oriental Art, founded in 1907?

20. Which British Viceroy annulled the partition of Bengal?

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