Sunday 4 March 2018

Kerala PSC History Question and Answers - 1

1. In which year Akbar was born

2. In which year the Mugal Dynasty was founded

3. Who is the founder of Tughlaq Dynasty

4. What was the original name of Alauddin Khilji

5. Who was the founder of Khilji Dynasty

6. Which was the first Muslim Dynasty in India

7. Which ruler is popularly Known as ' Lakh Baksh (giver of lakhs)

8. Who is known as the Second Ashoka

9. Who were the first Indian rulers to issue gold coins

10. Who was the founder of Rashtrakuda Dynasty

11. Who was the founder of Maurya Dynasty

12. Who was the founder of Nanda Dynasty

13. In which year the Great Alexander died

14. Who is the founder of Magadha Empire

15. Who was the first Malayalee to be elected to the Rajya sabha

16. Where is the birth place of Shankaracharya

17. Guruvayoor satyagraha took place in which year

18. Vasco da Gama died at fort Cochin in which year

19. Battle of Kulachal was fought in which year

20. Who was the head of the Military force of Samoothiri

21. Ajanta paintings associated with whose period ?

[a] Magadha’s Period
[b] Gupta’s Period
[c] Maurya’s Period
[d] Harsha’s Perios
[e] None of these

22. Who was the tutor of Alexander the Great ?

[a] Aristotle
[b] Aedesia
[c] Damascius
[d] Himerius
[e] None of these

23. …………….. is the only Indus site with an artificial dockyard

[a] Mohenjo-Daro
[b] Harappa
[c] Kalibangan
[d] Lothal
[e] None of these

24. The Foundation of the city of Puhar was laid by ………………………

[a] Aditya Chola
[b] Rajendra Chola I
[c] Rajendra Chola II
[d] Karikala
[e] None of these

25. Who introduced the Mansabdari System ?

[a] Jahangir
[b] Sajahan
[c] Akbar
[d] Humayun
[e] None of these

26. The Famous Shore Temple located in

[a] Mahabalipuram
[b] Thanjavur
[c] Kalyat
[d] Kaveripoompattinam
[e] None of these

27. Who established the first supremacy of Indian Army in the Arabian Sea ?

[a] Nedujelian
[b] Rajaraja I
[c] Karikala
[d] Rajaraja II
[e] None of these

28. Guru Nanak was born in …………………..

[a] 1452
[b] 1543
[c] 1658
[d] 1469
[e] None of these

29. The city of Agra was founded by …………………….

[a] Shivaji
[b] Abul Fazai
[c] Sikandar Lodi
[d] Shah Jahan
[e] None of these

30. Who was the highest officer in the army during the 13th century ?

[a] Kahlji
[b] Head
[c] Chief
[d] Khan
[e] None of these

31. Sulva Sutra is related to 

[a] Geometry
[b] Astronomy
[c] Agriculture
[d] Political
[e] None of these

32. Who was the author of Silappadikaram ?

[a] Kambar
[b] Ilango Adiggal
[c] Vishnu Sharma
[d] Avvaiyar
[e] None of these

33. In how many classes was the Indian Society divided by Magasthenes ?

[a] Eight
[b] Six
[c] Seven
[d] Five
[e] None of these

34. In which metal did the Satavahanas mainly mint their coins ?

[a] Gold
[b] Silver
[c] Copper
[d] Lead
[e] None of these

35. The Language used in writing the source materials of ancient India was ………………

[a] Sanskrit
[b] Hindi
[c] Pali
[d] Urdu
[e] None of these

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