Monday 26 February 2018


1.What is the most notable feature of a pelican?

Answer: bill

The most notable part of a pelican is its bill, which is so long that the bird sometimes rests it upon its breast or curved neck.

2.What do flamingos eat?

Answer: seafood

The flamingo feeds on mollusks (snails, clams, and squid) and crustaceans (lobster, shrimp, crabs, and water fleas). It strains the food from muddy water by using its beak, which acts as a filter.

3.A quetzal is a kind of:

Answer: bird

quetzal is a kind of bird that lives in Central America. Its brilliantly colored tail feathers can reach 60 centimeters in length.

4.Which of these animals swims in an upright position?

Answer: sea horse

The sea horse has a head and neck shaped like a horse’s, and it swims in an upright position.

5.Which of these is found in carnivorous animals?

Answer: carnassial

The carnassial is a sharp premolar tooth found in carnivorous animals.

6.Which of these is not a kind of fish tail?

Answer: hypercritical

Fish tails are heterocercal (two uneven lobes), homocercal (even lobes), or diphycercal (ending in a point).

7.How many times is the largest fish larger than the smallest fish?

Answer: 1,800 times

The smallest fish is the goby, usually less than 10 millimeters long. The whale shark is the largest of all fish. It can grow as large as 18 meters long.

8.Which of the following is not a marsupial?

Answer: badger

Marsupials are mammals that carry their young in a pouch. Kangaroos, koalas, and wombats are Australian marsupials.

9.In some parts of the world, mysterious deaths of which creatures threaten agriculture?

Answer: bees

Little-understood conditions have killed off vast numbers of bee hives in North America, threatening, for example, some nut and melon crops.

10.Which group includes the proboscideans, metatherians, chiropterans, and cetaceans?

A. Mammals
B. Fishes

Answer: Mammals
These four groups are examples of some of the several prominent subcategories of mammals. Proboscidea is made up of living elephants and their ancestors. Metatheria contains the marsupials. Chiroptera is the name of the group that encompasses all of the world’s bats. Cetacea comprises the aquatic group of mammals commonly known as whales, dolphins, and porpoises.

11.In geologic time, the Devonian Period is also known as the age of which group?”

A. Mammals
B. Fishes
Answer: Fishes
The Devonian Period is sometimes called the “Age of Fishes” because of the diverse, abundant, and, in some cases, bizarre types of these creatures that swam Devonian seas.

12.Which group is made up of chondrichthians, agnathans, and osteichthyians?

A. Mammals
B. Fishes
Answer: Fishes
Chondrichthyes, Agnatha, and Osteichthyes are the names of the prominent subcategories of fishes. The chondrichthians are the cartilaginous fishes (the sharks, skates, and rays), the agnathans are the jawless fishes (the hagfishes and lampreys), and the osteichthyians are the bony fishes.

13.In which group does the quadrate bone separate the lower jaw from the skull?

A. Mammals
B. Fishes
Answer: Fishes
The mammalian lower jaw is hinged directly to the skull, instead of through a separate bone (the quadrate) as in all other vertebrates. A chain of three tiny bones transmits sound waves across the middle ear.

14.The smallest living members of which group weigh under 1 gram (0.04 ounce) whereas the largest can weigh about 180 metric tons (about 200 short tons)?

A. Mammals
B. Fishes

Answer: Mammals
Living mammals range in size from a bat weighing less than a gram and tiny shrews weighing but a few grams to the largest animal that has ever lived, the blue whale, which reaches a length of more than 30 meters (100 feet) and a weight of about 180 metric tons (about 200 short [U.S.] tons).

15.Which are warm-blooded, have hair, and have young that are nourished with milk from their mother’s mammary glands?

A. Mammals
B. Fishes
Answer: Mammals
Probably the most-significant defining mammal characteristic is the ability of mothers to nurse their young with milk from their mammary glands.

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