Wednesday 31 January 2018


  1. The feminine gender of horse is --------?
  2. Ajanta paintings are asssociated with  ----?
  3. Father of Economics ?
  4. the synonym of 'expiry' is -----?
  5. Mangal Pandey fired the first short of the revolt of 1857 at ---------?
  6. Which is the main port of United Arab Emirates?
  7. Name the two states where there are no Railway connectivity?
  8. Who is known as 'the missile man' of India?
  9. Father of Electricity ?
  10. Pedology is the Study of --------?

  1. Mare
  2. Bhuddism
  3. Adam Smith
  4. Termination
  5. Barrackpore
  6. Dubai
  7. Meghalaya & Sikkim
  8. A.P.J Abdul Kalam
  9. Michael Faradey
  10. Soil

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