Tuesday 21 March 2017


1. Change to Indirect Speech :- She said to Raju,"I will be late" (She said to Raju that she would be late, She told Raju that She would be late,She told to Raju that She can be late )?

2. Caesar's Wife must be above ____ (doubtful, suspicion, greatful)?

3. A narrow piece of land joining two land masses is known as (strait, peninsula, isthmus) ?

4. You had better _____ home (come, came, had come)?

5. If i find your mobile phone, I _____ it to you (send, will send, would send) ?

6. Can't you wait ____ we get home (when, while, till) ?

7. One who possesses many talents (brilliant, gifted, versatile) ?

8. By this time next year she ____ her course (completed, will completed, will have completed) ?

9. She is the best teacher ____ is available (which, who, that)?

10. A white elephant means (good one, useful one, useless one) ?

11. Do you like _____ (fly, flying, to fly)?

12. You can trust her. She ___not cheat you (will, would, could)?

13. Keep quiet, _____ (can you, can't you, couldn’t you) ?

14. He sat ______ me (beside,behind, besides) ?

15. He has wasted ___ time (much, many, more) ?

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